Wednesday, October 28, 2009

HvZ: Day Three

I am SO totally still human.

Shhh...don't tell the zombies that, though. Apparently the horde (which is now 44+) made a hit list, and I'm on it. They already got our MVH's, Lincoln, Lee, and Josh. Lee was assaulted by 20 zombies, Josh was an idiot with no aim and got taken down by only one. Erin got Lincoln.

Using the powers of Facebook statuses, I have convinced some that I am a zombie my using "BRRRAAAAINNNSS" as my status. This is all a clever social experiment.

If you're a zombie and reading this now, after-the-fact, when I have linked it on FB, keep in mind that I never directly said I was a zombie, nor did I say respond to any questions relating to my zombie status (such as "Who got you?").

I am just like the fox--sneaky, clever, and a total bitch.
I may be holed up in my room, but I have good reason. School and prior engagements come before taking down the horde.
We may have failed the mission, but we're still alive and human. SUCKAS!

I hope some of you starve before tomorrow.

Not even when four zombies surround me can they tag me. I thought the fat girl was the easiest to get. I quote Allison from the Breakfast Club when I say, "HA!" at the top of my lungs.
But then again, they did miss Jeff by not paying attention to him as he left the building.


Tuesday, October 27, 2009

HvZ: Day Two

I am still human! This is a day of rejoice, because it means that I have just about reached my goal of staying human until Wednesday. Most excellent.

However, the registered zombie count has risen to 34. There's only 44 humans left. We're just about equal. Most likely, by Thursday, the humans will be totally outnumbered. And totally screwed. Man, I really wish I had the cash for a machine gun Nerf. Oh well.

Two of my residents playing the game were turned during a 'save the scientist' mission tonight. Carrissa and Elise, you leave me and Terah alone. :( I might have to start sneaking out of my window...

Zombie stun total: still 3

Monday, October 26, 2009

HvZ: Day One

It is nearing the end of Day 1 and I am still human. However, a reported 15 and an estimated 36 have been turned to zombies.

The humans are already so close to being outnumbered. We need to band together. There has been a meeting proposed for 6 PM tomorrow night in order to organize and regroup. The unfortunate thing about this is that the person who suggested it did so on Facebook, which we all know is public domain. It doesn't help that half of his go-to team is now zombie-fied. This is a mega-facepalm moment.

The goal is to stay alive until at least Wednesday.
I have a sick fascination with the idea of turning zombie and going after my friends, using my evil intellect. I'm just terrible. Oh well.

Zombie stun count: 3.
Stay safer. Stay human.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

HvZ: Night of the outbreak

Here is the letter I received this afternoon:

For four years, between 1959 and 1962, 1,448+ barrels containing benzene, PCBs, lead, cadmium, barium, hexavolent chromium and most likely radioactive materials were rolled off barges into Lake Superior by the United States Army. The wastes came from the Twin Cities Army Ammunition Plant (TCAAP), Minnesota’s largest Superfund site, which at the time was run by Honeywell, Corp. The contents of all the barrels has never been fully made known since only nine barrels have ever been brought up and tested.

Last week, another barrel was brought up....

A fishing boat out near Superior pulled up an unusual catch yesterday. They found in one of their nets a fifty year old barrel. The barrel was pulled aboard but cracked open on the deck due to it's weakened state. The deckhand, an unidentified student from Northland College, cleaned up the ooze from the barrel. Upon returning to shore the deckhand went into a rage and ran off into the night.








Since 8:00 PM, I have been cooped up in my apartment, drinking Stewart's fountain classics and enjoying the internet. However, I have also been preparing myself. Ammunition is hidden everywhere: I have socks in my coat pockets and my backpack; I figured out how to remove the screen from my bathroom window; I have two foam-shooting guns at my disposal and plentiful ammunition for them. All I don't know is who my friends are.

I feel like a rogue.

I don't know who this poor infected college student is, but I will not hesitate to take any and all of my former friends and classmates down.

I have enough food to last me the week.

If I turn before Tuesday hits, I am going to be so pissed!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

9 days...
What happens in 9 days?

The Zombie Apocalypse.

It's going to hit our campus. One student may infect many, turning friends into enemies, lovers in killers.
And all shall parish by the dreaded two-hand tag.
Humans will fight zombies off with Nerf and socks.
We might survive.
I might already be infected.
The next few days will consist of me blogging and vlogging about my survival, even after I turn.

October 26th. Z Day.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009


I seem to get a lot of neat ideas of stuff to write about at geology club meetings.
We talk about rocks, and other geological stuff. There's field trips. Apparently, the geology dept. has tons of money to waste on the club. *ka-ching!*

So I was zoning out, sitting on one of the tables in the classroom, when I heard a girl talking about some kind of bug in Panama. I happen to know that this person has not lived in Panama since she was like, 3, which was at least 17 years ago. I then thought of a friend who loved to talk about how he used to live in New Zealand. And then I was even reminded of myself, who loves to talk about her 8 days in Japan whenever she can (and tries to make it seem like I'm an expert).

So. What am I trying to get at?
The meaning behind the term "self-exotification." That's what.

What is it? Self-exotification is the act of trying to make oneself seem cool by bragging or constantly mentioning various adventures and random things about a foreign country in which one lived/vacationed to.

Why do people do it?
To make themselves seem cool. No one's cooler than someone who's been out of the country--especially someone that's been to another continent. It also makes him/her feel like he/she has accomplished something in life--you just haven't lived until you've been to Rome/Greece/England/Russia/Japan/Brazil.

I'm all gung-ho for adventure, but I've come to realize that constantly mentioning something as short as 8 days in Japan gets really old, really fast, and takes away from the lovliness of the past adventure. It's like watching your favorite movie--too many times and you get sick of it. Our travel stories should be like the experience--once-in-a-lifetime. Sure, there may be funny stories to tell of translation books gone wrong or missing passports, but those must also be kept minimal. They're the types that you tell to huge groups at parties when the music starts to lull.
So let's all agree not to brag too much, because it makes other people think you're a show off. ;-D
Aaaannd, it totally ruins the adventure.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Of dinnosaurs & shark attacks

Today I learned something awesome.
And no, it wasn't in film class or physics.
Today, I learned that typing (^^^) into Facebook chat makes a shark! Life is once again exciting and worthwhile. :D

I don't know exactly why this made me so happy. A possible source is Yes. We'll blame them for my supreme amusement. And, ultimately, Jez.

Otherwise, I'm not so happy right now. I'm on my 'moon' and I also have some sort of cold/headcold/sinus infection. I feel like someone pumped my head full of shaving cream, and that shaving cream is starting to harden. Ugh. My nose is getting raw from so much nose-blowing! Soft medicated tissues, my butt!

I cleaned my room. What they say about feng shui must be correct, because my thoughts feel clearer, even though my head doesn't. Haha.

I'm seeing Zombieland tomorrow night with some friends. It's a group date-that's-not-a-date. That's how I'm reffering to it. Haunted ship tour Saturday afternoon and then the lengerie party later that night. I'm excited because someone told me he was going... :3 This shall be fun!

Monday, September 28, 2009

List of Anti-Suck

This is going to be a beautiful list of things that don't suck.

Teddy bears
Polka dots
Crunchy leaves
First Friday Dances
Cuddle puddles
IZZE fruit juice
Christmas lights
Bubble wrap
Baby animals
Body pillows
Drag shows
Fleece blankets
Camping under the stars
Corny pickup lines
Miyazaki/Studio Ghibli films
Cute character goods
Brat Pack movies
Spontaneous dance parties
YouTube videos
Viral advertisement
Plays and musicals
Public transportation
Road trips
Magazine cut-out collages
Meeting new people
Boys who work in Lego stores
Toe socks
Hockey <3
Sexy half-naked boys
Round tumbtacks
Ice cube trays that make fun shapes
Big comfy, over-stuffed couches
Pez dispensers
Beta fish
Radio shows
Fire rings
Molecule kits
Reed diffusers
Shoes (OMG. Shoes.)
Free samples
Warm cookies fresh from the oven
Skinny dipping
Ghost stories
Swimming with dolphins
Orange TicTacs
BBFT's (even if they're red)
Lake Superior
The smell of burning leaves
Walls covered in CD's
The Three Stooges

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This is September!

Welcome to the beginning of fall in the Northland!

Originally I had written a very beautiful entry about the last two weekends, but blogger hates me and did not save, which cause me to get angry. Very angry.

Last weekend I spent an exciting day hiking a 6 miles in the Porcupine Mountains and then another 2 in Paulding, MI.

The Porkies were amazing, mostly because of the sunset on the lake. I loved that sunset. It was insanely pretty. We hiked the last 2/3 of the trip in the dark without flashlights, but I didn't die, even though some tree roots tried to kill me.

Paulding wasn't as cold as it was when I went last May, and the light was pretty much the same.
I think it's a place that loses its magic after you've already been there once. maybe I need to wait a few years before I go again.

This weekend I spent Friday night to Saturday afternoon at a friend's cabin at Island Lake. We made "pizza" and "pies" in the fire and s'mores, of course. Then, Friday night, we went skinny dipping in the lake. After swimming around in the warm water, we quickly ran out and toweled ourselves before sitting in front of the remains of an hours-long fire. A "boyfriend dance" was performed. If you've seen The Secret Garden, you might remember the children chanting around the fire ring; this was very reminescent of that scene.

The next morning consisted of chocolate chip pancakes with boysenberry syrup and kayaking around the lake. Both were amazing. I splashed around in the water looking for rocks at Island Lake's "island," which has now been filled in enough to make it a penninsula. We ended the day with walking tacos for dinner.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

BBFT's and other fun things

Big, Blue, Fluffy Towel.
The holy grail of towels.
Can fit around anyone in my family.
It's almost as long as I am tall.
We only have 2 at my house. One will disappear this fall.
Yes. I am planning on stealing a towel from my family.
You just don't understand. I need the feeling of a towel that can wrap around me comfortably.
It is a glorious feeling.
I feel like a little kid again. Marvelous.
I have mostly prevented my younger brother from gaining access to these precious BBFT's by keeping one in my room, and the other in the TPP (Towel Protection Program). The TPP may or may not be a giant, unconquerable pile of laundry sitting on an old dining room table in the basement.
But, yes, one of these two majestic towels will come to school with me in the fall, because my towels there are insufficient, and fail to live up to BBFT standards. And my RHD apartment needs nice things.

Speaking of which, I have lately been on the prowl for things to decorate my otherwise boring apartment with, and have found cute square votive candle holders at work. They're about 2" high and I grabbed two lime green and two yellow, because I liked the way they looked lit in the dark best (I tested this by putting them in the back of a dark shelf and turning on the battery-operated tealights). I have to get my "fake" tealights because candles and fires aren't allowed in the dorms, which is alright, because I think the fake flicker is cuter than the real thing. The picture has the right shape, but not the right colors (use your imagination?).

I also found really cute canvas placemats that have pink and yellow stripes on one side and embroidered butterflies on the other. Sicne they're $5 each, I'm holding onto them until next weekend, when they go into the "sidewalk sale" for 50% off. Teeheheee...

I am still looking for other cute ideas for a smallish apartment with mismatched furniture...

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Brand-spankin' New: An Introduction

Hello. Let's do this quick, dirty, and in list form, okay?
Name: Christina (but you can call me "Chris")
Age: 20
DOB: July 13th, 1989 (I just turned 20 on Monday!)
Occupation: College Student
Major: Biology
Family: Mom, Dad, big brother, little brother, dog (Bear), 2 beta fish
Interests and Activities: Crafts, sewing, drawing, video games, videography, movies, music, parks, trees, animals, plushies, iron-on patches, sunflowers, shopping, learning stuff, camping, cooking, sarcasm, irony, satire, acting
Things that I don't like (short version): A lot

Alright. That was nice and boring, I know.
Why did I even start doing this? I don't really know. I guess I like having places where I can talk about things that not everyone on my friends list knows about.

I really like crafts.

My mom taught me how to sew when I was only 7, and since then, I've been a machine. I went from making (really poorly made) clothes for my many nude Barbies (how did I end up with so many dolls and so little clothes?) and went to making patches for my own clothes, then (really pathetic) cosplay costumes, to bags, and now I've finally begun making my own clothes. I'm working on a skirt now that is hot pink cotton with psychedelic psuedo-paisley accents. Hopefully it turns out to look better than it sounds. Fingers crossed. So far, there's been a lot of swearing.

You know you're getting old when you start receiving appliances for your birthday. I'm a little scared that I'm excited about getting used ones. From my big brother.

You know how a lot of people, who have been sewing for years, say that once you get going, sewing is easy? They lie! I've been sewing since I was seven, and I still don't think I'm all that great. I'm awful at following directions closely--I always have to put my own spin on it--so everything ends up not looking like it's supposed to.
However, with this skirt, even though I'm not following any real directions, I think it might come out pretty swanky, which usually never happens with things I make. When I properly follow directions, the clothes always look very poorly made. I blame McCall's and Simplicity. They do not put things in layman's terms, I swear, and I don't think they have novice sewers ever try out the patterns to see if the directions have enough clarity.
Anyway...this skirt breaks many rules, and I have messed things up several times. However, my brain is adept to fixing up (most) of my screw-ups, so I'm prepared for whatever I can throw at myself.

I'm probably losign all kinds of cool points with my friends now. Eh. It's funny that some of my friends are completely unaware that I can sew/have been sewing/etc and yet there are others who believe me to be some sort of guru (which I am far from). I'm somewhere before the middle, but not at the complete bottom. I'm not going to start pumping out jackets and pants are undies made out of appropriate fabric. I'll stick to skirts and reconstructing/deconstructing clothes I already have.

I think this is getting a bit long, so I'm going to call it a night. In the future, expect pictures and such.